FREE Cloud Acceleration Workshop

This 2-hr workshop provides:

  • Guidance on target state cloud operating model and cloud governance framework as well as how to build a CCoE.
  • Insight into how landing zones and pre-assured tooling can improve the developer experience and help accelerate value realisation whilst also reducing cost.
  • Advice on how a well-implemented cloud governance framework can be used to secure and advance your cloud programme.

Book now to benefit from:

  • Improved cloud operations
  • Accelerated delivery of value and innovation
  • Confidence that you have mitigated the risks associated with running critical services in the cloud

Need more info?

Not sure what’s involved? Download a factsheet for full details of the workshop and how it’s run.

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Benefit from our experience

The Cloudscaler team has extensive experience leading major cloud transformation programmes in a wide variety of organisations. We have learnt hard lessons along the way and used that learning to develop a best practice approach. This approach is regularly used to assess some of the largest AWS deployments in Europe and used to accelerate cloud value realisation as well as control cloud spend. This workshop enables you to benefit from this best practice approach.

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How we help customers

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